BSL Interpreters for deaf patients
Here at the practice we can use BSL interpreters for phone calls with any of our deaf patients, using a service from CoSign. If you need a GP telephone appointment you can text CoSign on 07974 684720 and who will ring the surgery, arrange the appointment and interpreter and the text the you with the confirmation details.
Armed Forces Veteran Friendly GP practice
We are please to announce we are now an Armed Forces veteran friendly accredited GP Practice.
Armed Forces Veterans
We are committed to providing veterans with a seamless, high quality service when it comes to their health needs. Our priority is to make sure that you have access to a clinician who understands you military related health needs and supports you to get the right treatment and support.
Our Practice Nurse Clare Crusham is our practice lead for veterans’ health.
Pendleside Hospice
Pendleside Hospice exists to provide palliative and end of life service provision for people 17 years of age or over living with a life limiting illness within our local community, and those important to them.
All our services involve our patients and their carers and families in their future care choices and we work in partnership with other health and social care providers to ensure the highest level of care.
The hospice provides a range of services, both within the hospice building and in the local community: these include: Inpatient unit, Day service and outpatients, Hospice at home, Complimentary therapy, psychological support, rehabilitation, spiritual care, family and carer support and bereavement support.
The Hospice is a charitable organisation and all care is provided free of charge.
Any enquiries please ring 01282 440100.
MSK Specialists
MSK Specialists, available by appointment at the surgery Wednesdays and Fridays, any muscle, bone or joint problems.
Please speak to one of the receptionists and book an appointment.
We have two very experienced Musculoskeletal (MSK) Extended Scope Practitioner(ESP) Physiotherapists working at our practice in a First Contact Practitioner(FCP) role. This is part of a national initiative for patients to see the right clinician in the right place. MSK practitioners are best placed to see patients with musculoskeletal problems as the first point of contact. They can assess your condition, request investigations, diagnose the problem and offer first-line management to help resolve the problem. They can also make onward referral to appropriate specialists like physiotherapy, orthopaedics, pain management or rheumatology as required. One of the benefits of this role is that the GP appointments are then more readily available for patients who have a more medical-based problem.